Past eligible courses

Past Eligible Certificate Courses (upto 2021-2022)

Note: Courses are listed under their primary number. 

Islamic Society

American Nationalism and the Muslim “Other” (SOCY 226)

Comparative Nationalisms (MMES 105)

Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East (ANTH 441)

Environmental Security in the Middle East (GLBL 301)

Imperialism, Insurgency & State Building in the Middle East & North Africa (GLBL 362)

Islam and Gender in South Asia, 1750–2000 (SAST 321)

Islam in the American Imagination (AMST 450)

Islam Today:  Jihad and Fundamentalism (RLST 290)

Islamic Social Movements (SOCY 232)

Medieval Baghdad (NELC 269)

Medieval Travel & Exploration (NELC 003)

Middle East Gender Studies (ANTH 321) 

Modern North Africa in Flux (ANTH 344)

The Middle East and the West: A Cultural Encounter (HIST 342)

Public Opinion and Political Behavior in the Middle East (MMES 316)

Representing Iran (ANTH 360)

Six Pretty Good Journeys (NELC 006)

Society and Politics of North Africa (SOCY 235)

Sociology of Islam (SOCY 343)

Transnational Islam and Muslim Communities (MMES 370)

West African Islam: Jihad Pacifism and Its Opponents (AFST 487)

Women and Gender in Islam (MMES 246)

Islamic Art, Architecture, Literature

Afterlives of Algeria’s Revolution (FREN 414)

Algerian War of Independence and Its Literature (FREN 414)

The Arabian Nights: Then and Now (LITR 318)

Art and Politics in the Modern Middle East (HSAR 456)

History of the Arabic Language (NELC 453)

Introduction to the History of Art: Islamic Architecture (HSAR 118)

Introduction to Islamic Architecture (HSAR 266)

Middle East in French Literature and Art (FREN 338)

Modernism and the Middle East (HSAR 579)

Mystical Poetry of Judaism and Islam (LITR 400)

North African French Poetry (FREN 425)

On Violence, Politics and Aesthetics Across the Maghreb (FREN 965)

Orientalism in French Literature (FREN 335)

Painting and Poetry in Islamic Art (HSAR 430)

Persian Literary Classics (LITR 311)

Politics and Literature in the Midde East (LITR 479) — Fall 

Reading Classical Arabic Scholarship (NELC 549)

Readings in Urdu Texts (RLST 589)

Readings in Indo-Islamic Texts (RLST 536)

Islamic Religion

Al-Ghazali and Maimonides (RLST 295)

Al-Ghazali’s Impact on Islamic Thought (RLST 722)

Classical Arabic Philosophy (PHIL 135)

Ethics in Islam (RLST 172)

Golden Age of Islam (RLST 155)

Ibn Sina and His Critics (RLST 736)

Introduction to Islam (RLST 136)

Introduction to the Qur’an (RLST 165)

Islam in the United States (AMST 010)

Islamic Theology and Philosophy (RLST 287)

Islamic Theology Seminar (RLST 729)

Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought (JDST 271)

Medieval Jewish Thought in Muslim Lands (JDST 266)

Orientalism, Magic, Religion (RLST 412)

Origins of Islam (RLST 620) 

Prophets and Prophethood in Islam (RLST 223)

Readings in Critical Muslim Studies (RLST 704)

Representing Muhammad (RLST 082)

Salafiyya Movement in Islam (RLST 292)

Seminar in Islamic Religious Thought (RLST 721)

Seminar on Sufism (RLST 733)

The Theology and Philosophy of al-Razi (RLST 715)

Theory and Method in Islamic Studies (NELC 420, NELC 432)

Topics in Islamic Cosmography (RLST 775)

Islamic History

Ancient Empires (NELC 119)

Approaches to Studying the Modern Middle East (HIST 853)

Christians and Muslims in the Arab World (HIST 082)

India in the Age of Revolutions, ca. 1707–1857 (SAST 322)

Introduction to Arabic and Islamic Studies (NELC 490)

Introduction to Modern Central Asia (RSEE 329)

Islam: Conquest and Conversion (HIST 378)

The Islamic Near East: From Muhammad to the Mongol Invasion (NELC 402)

The Middle East Between Crusaders and Mongols (HIST 384)

Mughal India, 1500–1800 (SASt 280) 

Problems in Early Islamic History (RLST 719)

Religion and State in Early Modern South Asia (RLST 538)

World War I and the Making of the Modern Middle East (SOCY 320)

The above list is not exhaustive. Please consult with the Certificate Director regarding any course not appearing here to determine if it is eligible for the Certificate, and if so, in what distributional content area.